When the world shuts down, needs increase but the means to those needs… dwindle. Missionaries worldwide are finding it difficult to connect with supporters and fundraise to help continue their work. Even our local ministries have seen a drop in volunteers, funding, and resources provided for their population. The enemy would love for us all to throw our hands up and say, “It’s no use.” But removing hope from the equation is not the answer.
God equipped us with unique skills and abilities to utilize for His glory. When disaster strikes, God responds through ordinary people like you and me. As the body of Christ, we must be aware of our brothers and sisters in need.

When our physical body is injured, the whole body experiences the pain. My daughter recently sprained her ankle while playing volleyball outside. Her ankle buckled, evoking excruciating pain to blaze throughout her entire body. Shock paralyzed her lame body on the concrete as her torturous cry commenced our attention. Everything hurt!
The swollen ankle sensitive to touch, movement, and even our gaze afflicted enormous pain throughout my daughter’s body. When pain and suffering occur within the body of Christ, the awareness of those actions should leave an impression on our hearts.
So how can we help international missionaries, local missionaries, and people affected by natural disasters?
Here are a couple of ways to help.
1. Prayer:
- It might sound small, but our prayers have power. Prayer helps us rely on God for our needs or others’ needs while waiting with anticipation for His response. Prayer strengthens our faith, softens our hearts, and shifts our perspective.
- Contact your local Church- Churches are a great resource to find ministries opportunities to volunteer, financially support, or find ways to encourage missionaries to keep running their race.
- Check out our Red Rover Page- a couple of ministries are listed who could use your support.
- Check out the International Missions Board website: https://www.imb.org/.
3. Respond:
- Write a letter to a Missionary or a Non-Profit President offering them words of encouragement.
- Volunteer your time and serve (According to the Nonprofits Source of Volunteer Statistics, only 25% of Adults volunteer their services https://nonprofitssource.com). This is an easy way to help give back to your community.
- Support Financially
- Share about the ministry you support on your social media.
- Adopt an international or local Ministry you want to support. Reach out to them and ask, “How can I help support you?”
If we are His Body, then let’s find ways to be His hands and His feet for those who need it most.
It’s hard to know how to help, thanks for giving us some great starting points!