But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Pain is difficult to bear. Whether it’s a physical pain or emotional pain, it’s all, for lack of a better word, sucks. No one says, “I think this morning, I am going to inflict pain on myself.” But with each agonizing stretch, strength lies in the healing.
Picture a bodybuilder. The density and girth of the bodybuilder’s muscles didn’t grow overnight. It took time. The bodybuilder endured the training process, defining their muscles and body day after day. They stayed disciplined with their nutrition and workout regimen. For a muscle to expand, it must tear at a slow pace causing the body to ache. The bodybuilder pushes through their suffering because they acknowledge their tenacity is paying off. Pressing on towards their goal, their body realizes it can endure so much more.
Our faith is meant to be resilient. Trials and testing reinforce our perspective on the faithfulness of God. With each tribulation, God reveals His love for us. However, if we try to self-Medicaid with substances that help us feel numb, we postpone the opportunity to see God accomplish something remarkable in our lives. It’s in the trail our faith muscle receives the boost it needs to stand firm. Suffering through the pain, we rely on His Healing to come and remain.
It has been said that God tells his people 365 ways and times not to be afraid, a reminder for each day. I have never counted for myself, but I want to encourage you. Don’t be afraid of the pain. Trust God to be faithful. Even if we can’t see our muscles today, trust they will come as long as we are willing to train.