God, we seek you, Jehovah-Jireh, The LORD shall Provide. You make all things new. As we experience this pandemic Lord, we recognize the signs of miracles and wonders of something new. Just as a seed must die to bear fruit, so must our old ways to produce a harvest in Your name. Father, I ask for Your strength and courage to endure what we must for the glory of Your Kingdom. We seek Your peace that surpasses our understanding and wisdom that comes from above. Help us Lord trust You each day to provide the manna we need to get through the day.Â
Lord, rally our community together to build a unique way of fellowship. Father, you created us for community and friendship. May we see Your way to embrace one another again. Please, Lord, remind us we are not alone. Help us remember to look outside our wounds and be willing to offer compassion towards others. May we be known by our love that reflects Your heart. In the name of Jesus- Amen.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
 Has God asked you to step outside of your comfort zone? Have you felt the need to reconnect with a friend or take a meal over to a family member who has fallen ill? Maybe it’s spending quality, not quantity time with your children. Perhaps, you feel Him leading you to explore a new adventure. Whatever God has asked of you, may I encourage you to act in obedience?Â
 Earlier this week, my girls and I were discussing what their friends were doing during this season? Both of them said, “I don’t know.” The more we discussed when the last time they connected with their friends, I realized it was the fear of rejection that influenced their choice not to reach out. I could relate.  Â
 I’ve experienced the delay or lack of response in return. In those moments, fear of rejection creeps in. But I began to realize my fear of rejection pointed inward, not outwards. My focus was on me, not on my friend. Right now, friends and family members are experiencing this season differently. The only thought we can embrace is our own. So I had to change my perspective. I had to respond to their silence with grace, patience, and compassion. Â
 Learning not to take silence from others personally is a constant struggle for me. But God has given us the power to retrain our thoughts. The enemy would love us to believe in the illusion we are alone. It’s when we feel alone; we become vulnerable. His job is to steal, kill, and destroy. Take heart sweet friend, don’t allow the fear of rejection stop you from being obedient to God’s will. If you feel Him prompting you to reach out to a friend, do it. And if they choose not to respond, offer them grace, patience, and compassion. For in the proper time you will reap a harvest if you don’t give up. Â
Let us sing and give praise to our KING.
God is doing something NEW in each of our lives right now. Yes it gets scary some time, I thank you for your encouragement to walk the path with Him. I saw God moving today as time went by. And it is such a joy to watch Him work in people’s lives and hearts. He is up to something big….watch and do not miss His words, His works, and His love for each of us. Thank you and Praise God.