“ And when they had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
-Matthew 2:11 (NKJV)

“What would you like for Christmas?” I smiled at my young grandchild as we snuggled on the couch, putting the story we finished reading aside.
“I want time with you, Grandma!” The answer came quickly as wide eyes looked at me sweetly.
Time shared with others creates a precious memory that doesn’t fade, break, or rust over the years. Playing games, reading stories, doing craft projects, going for walks or trips to the park all lead to a bonding of hearts that means a lot to those you share your time with. Taking the time to listen to joys and sorrows, and share in special and even ordinary moments can warm hearts and bring smiles on overcast days.
The wise men took the time to travel to see the young Jesus, the King that was foretold of in the scriptures. When they arrived at the house, they fell down to worship Him. They took this occasion to express their love and adoration for the young king. After a time of adulation, only then did they open their treasures to present their gifts to the Christ child.
Gifts are a wonderful way of expressing love. It can be magical to see gifts under the tree and stockings filled to the brim. The excitement and wonder at any age of all the lights, decorations, and carols surrounding this season is inspiring. We can enjoy the festivities without letting it consume us to the point that we don’t have time to worship our Savior. Our time can be our gift to Him.
In the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, who is it that you can share the gift of time with? A lonely neighbor or family member, a shut-in from church, or the stranger walking their dog can enjoy a few shared moments to show they are cared about. Even in Covid -19 times, phone calls, text messages, little notes in the mail, or social distanced greetings can show you care through connecting with others. Sharing the love of Jesus with others is a gift of time that will impact many in ways you may not realize. Let’s especially give our Lord and Savior the time we have in worship and gratitude. That is the best gift of all!
My grandchildren asking for time with me absolutely melts my heart. The times we share talking, playing, and doing fun activities are creating a close bond that time can’t erase. Unknown to them, they are giving me the gift of their time that I cherish. As I reach out to others through calls, texts, and notes I hope the love I share puts a smile on others’ faces.
In this season of celebrating Christ’s birth, let us worship our King by sharing our time with others.
Linda Marie
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Linda, your time is such a precious gift to others. Others that read and share your love with others also. Merry Christmas to you. Love and hugs.