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We received the official “Shelter in place” mandate from our Mayor and County Judge going into effect at midnight. As I sit on my porch, wrapping my head around what this all means, I hear a gentle voice reminding me of all my requests for more time. More time to complete this or that. More time with my kids or family. More time to learn and explore. Yearning, for more time, kept lingering in my head.
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God was reminding me how He was answering my prayers these past three weeks. It’s odd to find this conundrum as a blessing. When remaining home becomes inconvenient and chaotic, our family began to view it as a blessing. The world was placed on pause, allowing us time to reconnect with our inner circle (God and family).
Coronavirus deserves our attention. As fast as it has spread, I am grateful for the knowledge on how to remain safe. However, ingesting too much of anything can cause a negative impact. The constant flooding of information enables fears to creep into our minds. The only way to combat anxiety is to replace it with a new perspective.
When we look through a different lens, the beauty of the Lord rises to the surface, removing the fear this virus evokes.
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The Israelites might be able to sympathize with us. Long ago, Israel was forced into slavery, working for the Egyptians. Pharaoh placed such heavy burdens eliminating rest and worship of God. However, they continued to multiply despite Pharaoh’s attempts to hinder their growth.
And when it was time, God sent Moses to request for their freedom. Every time Moses found himself in front of Pharaoh, he would make the same request: offer God’s people their freedom to enter the wilderness and worship God.
The wilderness was intended to be a place of worship. I find that to be interesting since we know the desert required God’s people to endure hardships. But it’s in those hardships their reliance on the Lord strengthens the bond between God and man. It was in the wilderness God’s people witnessed His signs and wonders.
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One of the most talked-about wonders was the parting of the Red Sea. The heart of Pharaoh changed towards the people of Israel after he released them. So, the Egyptian army raged in pursuit of God’s people.
Approaching a large body of water the Hebrew nation faced another challenge. Fear filled their minds. Ahead of them was the Red Sea too deep and too wide to swim across. Close behind was their enemy charging towards them swords drawn.
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Nowhere to go, trapped. Everywhere Israel looked, there was an obstacle staring them down. Right now, I can relate to the Israelites. Trapped is an emotion each of my family members has struggled with during this time.
The people of God expressed their anxiety and fear, asking Moses, was this a trick? Why would you lead us into the wilderness to die?
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Remember, was the intent of the wilderness to kill the Israelites? No, the desert was where they could worship God.
I love the response Moses gives, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:13 NIV)
Our leaders are asking us to remain in our homes and be still. Remaining still might sound like an odd way to fight or even provide for our families. However, God made the same request to His people when they faced the Egyptian army. When we stand still, God moves. Our reliance on the LORD provides us an opportunity to bear witness to a miracle only He can do.
God divided the Red Sea, dried up the land underneath, permitting His children to cross on dry land. Water was on both sides of them, but not even the mist touched their hair.
God showed up in a BIG way!
However, if the Israelites would have scattered, they would have missed witnessing the power of Almighty God.
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During this week and or longer, may I encourage you to stand still, remain in your homes. I know for some this request evokes fear and anxiety because you’re not sure how you will pay the bills. Maybe you have a loved one in a nursing home that you’re not able to see right now, and you’re worried about them. Perhaps working from home with your kids working on schoolwork is a bit overwhelming. In the midst of our struggles, God is at work.
So, take heart! The LORD will fight these battles for you. He will go before you and come behind you. What was the intent of the wilderness? WORSHIP!
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There is a reason for every season. Remember, what this time is for and resist the urge to grumble. God is up to something! Use this gift of time, wisely. Press into God! He will reveal His power that will cause us to marvel.
And WORSHIP Him! Turn up your favorite worship songs and sing to the King of kings, who holds the whole world in His hand.
Candice you did a great job explaining the reason for the wilderness. Worship, is our goal and aim. Our God is worthy of our worship of Him. Staying home is a chore to some but a joy to others. We can each find a reason and a time for worship each and every day. Thank you for helping us see what God sees each time He looks at us. To ‘BE STILL’ is a thing we have to learn how to do….most of the time. Being still is more than just sitting in one spot. It is bringing our minds under control also. So many do not know how to rest and completely “Be Still”. We need the surroundings to be quiet and still at the same time we are doing the same. So many things bid for our minds. Turn them all off for the period of time and allow yourself to completely be still. God is there every minute of our day. He will meet you there in your stillness. Love and hugs to each.
Thank you for this perspective and words of wisdom. It is definitely a challenge to stay home, “Be Still” and “Wait” not knowing when normal routine will be reestablished. There are blessing during this time that we need to take the time to see and appreciate.
This blog highly encouraged me this week. I recently rewatched The Prince of Egypt and found the end scene to be such a beautiful reflection of how the Israelites entered the desert with joy and singing giving praises to God for their deliverance. Thank you for the reminder to stand firm and look to God in all our circumstances so that He will grow us where we have been planted.
you are right. this has been a time of unexpected blessing for many. i have friends with children who are enjoying time to learn new skills together at home. they are also just having time to bond more. it is not a miserable time at all…unless we allow it to be.
Wow! This is powerful. I appreciated this line: “The only way to combat anxiety is to replace it with a new perspective.” Thank you for a new perspective
Thank you for your kind words.