God shows us through creation and through a different series of events of his resurrection power. There is the change from Winter to Spring and even something like plugging your dead cellphone battery in a charger and then having it come to life once the battery is fully charged.
During the Easter season, I love to remind myself of the different foreshadows that scripture gives us for the resurrection story. The story of Jesus and his life, burial, resurrection and ascension into Heaven is one for all believers or non-believers to grasp the understanding of the power of Jesus and the eternal life that comes after we die on earth.
In John 11 through the story of Lazarus, Jesus gives us a foreshadow of his own resurrection from the grave. In this story we find that Lazarus was sick and his sisters Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus telling him that Lazarus was sick. Jesus heard the message, but stated in John 11:4 that the sickness will not end in death, but was for the glory of God.
Jesus did not leave immediately, but waited two more days before going to see Lazarus. He tells the disciples in John 11:11 that Lazaurs was asleep, but he was on his way over to wake him up.
The disciples misunderstood him and were relieved because they thought he would not die, but Jesus shares with them in verse 14 that Lazarus did die. When they got to Lazarus’ house he was already in the tomb. Jesus shares with his family that Lazarus will live again.
Jesus then shares the famous verses in 25-26 that Jesus himself reminds us that is the resurrection and the life. If there is a belief in Jesus life will go on forever.
While the true definition of a resurrection is an event, in verse 25, Jesus shares that HE is the resurrection. Jesus being the resurrection means that resurrection is a person. He is the only one that can give life, sustain life and then eternalize life.
So not only is he the past, but he is the present and the future. Jesus then turns to her and asks her the important question, “Do you believe?” to which she says “Yes.”
Will you say “Yes”, to Jesus? Will you say “Yes” to who he was and how he lived his life on earth? Will you say “Yes” to believing in his word and serving him everyday? And finally, will you say “Yes” to eternal life with him in Heaven?

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Deirdre Parker is an early childhood educator in Washington DC. When she is not at school teaching her “babies” and mentoring new early childhood educators; she is traveling, reading, writing, playing music, following politics, hiking, attending church, and cheering on the Ravens with her intelligent husband and her extremely bright 4-year-old little boy.
A beautiful testimony, Deirdre. Thank you sweet lady for sharing Jesus’ truths. Only in HIM do we have a way to eternal life. May God continue to bless you and your family in HIS power, HIS wisdom, and HIS WORD.
Love in Christ,
Thank you so much, Peggy!! This is so encouraging to me!! :). Love, Deirdre