I repeat, God is a good God! We say this phrase quite frequently. Sometimes the statement rolls off our tongue and is spoken with conviction. Other times it’s said casually or perhaps, sarcastically. We generally have a sense that those words are absolute truth, but there are also moments when the validity of His goodness is questioned, especially during challenging situations. Nonetheless, our God’s goodness is constant! And without any doubt or reservation, neither past, present or future circumstances have the power to alter this (or any other) trait in our God! James 1:17 says every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change! So, we can count on His faithfulness as we make our petitions known!
When talking about the term “good”, it is defined as morally excellent; virtuous; (of) righteousness, high quality or degree.. The Hebrew definition for good actually references the same principles and traits – which are pure, holy, and righteous. To this degree, we must remember true goodness begins with God and is the very essence of who He is!!! In addition, His integrity and perfect qualities are ours to encounter!
Ps. 34:8 says, Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed are you who run to Him. As such, we have an open invitation to really perceive, distinguish, examine, pay attention to, and observe our God. We do this by reading, meditating, confessing and trusting His words of promise. Jesus made this available to us through His death and resurrection! Now we can go directly to God’s throne of grace with confidence (in Jesus name), whenever we want the best way to deal with issues we face (Hebrews 4:16). That in mind, spend regular time with Him -like we do with family & friends- to actually discern His thoughts regarding our circumstance.. We’ll find that hearing from God for ourselves is the wisest and most powerful way to experience and testify of His gracious goodness as Father and Friend.
Therefore, when things aren’t going as well as they should and we need to be reminded of His desire to place us in the most advantageous position in life, simply remember what He’s already done as our Protector, Provider, Peace-Giver, Problem Solver, Deliverer, and more.. He’s literally concerned about what concerns us and says, cast everything on Him (1 Peter 5:7). Friends, that is goodness!!!
In closing, I pray everyone -the seasoned and those new to the faith- will be able to declare how good God is all the time! And as we grow in the faith, may we give Almighty God access to reign in our lives. Then His holy, pure and righteous character will be evident wherever we go and to everyone we meet!
Stay strong in the Strength of Christ
My name is Shari Francois Hicks. I am a Christian who loves God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit ….and strive to honor The Trinity daily. Notice I said strive, since there are times when I simply miss or move out of sync with God in a particular situation or circumstance. But Hallelujah for God’s grace and mercy …and another chance to get it right– whatever it is!!
I am also a mother of three beautiful daughters–now adults. They are my greatest accomplishment, as it is an absolute pleasure to see them build a personal relationship with Christ – to experience and exude the life and light of God in their journey.
As a former teacher and counselor, and Administrator, I coach & work with at-risk youth too. The opportunity to speak into the lives of young adults as they navigate through life’s obstacles, some hidden and others in plain sight, is a true blessing. Watching them experience the smallest victory — which is still a victory– also promotes more confidence as they seek to overcome the next difficult, yet doable challenge.
In my free time I enjoy spending time with God, family and friends, shopping, and watching major league sports.
Love In Christ,

How do we heal from the SBC Sexual Assult Scandal?
I want to be a part of the solution, not the cause of more injuries. As a survivor, I understand the fear of the pain when reflecting on the past. News reports of more instances of people experiencing an injustice prick wounds buried deep. It has taken me years to find the courage to speak up about the criminal acts done to me. And it has taken even longer to embrace those pain points and filter them through the blood of Jesus. I by no means am completely healed from these wounds, but I am healing. This journey will be long but worth it.

God is Good!
I repeat, God is a good God! We say this phrase quite frequently. Sometimes the statement rolls off our tongue and is spoken with conviction.

14 Day Challenge
14 Day Challenge…You Game? Raised in the church, I thought I knew how much God loved me. I heard the old stories about Adam and
This young lady is amazing. She has no doubt who she believes to and who she honors as her LORD. I enjoyed this very much and there is so much truth in it. Thank you for sharing. May God’s blessings cover you each and every day. Love in Christ.