“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'”- Luke 2:10
“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” -Matthew 2:2

They were considered simple folk. Calmly roaming the fields as they kept watch over their flock of sheep. Then an angel appeared to them. Rocking their tranquil world, they were filled with fear! Upon hearing the great news of the world’s Savior being born in the city of David and witnessing the multitude of heavenly hosts offering praises of glory to God, they went with haste into the small town of Bethlehem to see for themselves what the Lord had made known. After seeing with their own eyes their savior, they shared with all around them what had been told them concerning this child. They glorified and praised God all the way home!
Then there were these astrologers who analyzed the stars. Their studious minds led them to examine the Law and the Prophets. These academics, with the help of Herod’s chief priests and scribes, set out to prove their hypothesis: The alignment of the stars and the writings of the prophets mean that He who is born king of the Jews is somewhere in Bethlehem. To see played out before their very eyes the prophecy of the Messiah had to have them jumping out of their skin!
The shepherds simply believed what they were told and went to see. The wise men set out to prove their hypothesis. Here’s the cool thing. They both came to Christ.
Can each of us see ourselves in one of these followers? Some people don’t naturally believe and will seek for themselves truth. They will read and question and demand proof before they claim belief. Then there are those who don’t need to seek proof. They simply believe. Just like the shepherds and the wise men, in God’s timing, both types eventually find Christ. Now that is really good news!
Janet L. Jackson
Connect with Janet

How do we heal from the SBC Sexual Assult Scandal?
I want to be a part of the solution, not the cause of more injuries. As a survivor, I understand the fear of the pain when reflecting on the past. News reports of more instances of people experiencing an injustice prick wounds buried deep. It has taken me years to find the courage to speak up about the criminal acts done to me. And it has taken even longer to embrace those pain points and filter them through the blood of Jesus. I by no means am completely healed from these wounds, but I am healing. This journey will be long but worth it.

God is Good!
I repeat, God is a good God! We say this phrase quite frequently. Sometimes the statement rolls off our tongue and is spoken with conviction.

14 Day Challenge
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Love Week Posts:
What is LOVE?
Before we can love someone else in a healthy way, we must learn to love ourselves.
How do you see yourself? Our perspective about ourselves determines the way we seek to love. We either embrace or deflect true love for ourselves depending on how we view ourselves. If we seek love in all the wrong places, then ask ourselves, “I am worthy of love?”
Blessed are…
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Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
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