John 19 & 20 NIV
We all celebrate “The Night Before Christmas” with Joy and excitement. But “The Night Before Easter” was not a celebration. Jesus had died on the Cross and laid in a tomb in the Garden. A huge rock had been rolled over to cover the opening of the tomb. There were tears and fears in Jesus’ family and friends.
So “The Night Before Easter” was dark and filled with fear. YET the celebration came on the third day when the women and disciples found the tomb empty. JESUS AROSE! Hallelujah !
He was no longer in the grave. But where was He? How could they find Him. As they walked down the road, Jesus met them and called they by name. Now they knew He had told them the truth when He said” He would rise again on the third day”. They still did not understand all that His death, burial, and resurrection meant, But they knew it had happened.
God reminds us each year at Easter Time–it is a renewing–time of birth. The trees and flowers celebrate this time of the year! They put on new leaves and flowers just as you and I put on new life when we accept Jesus as our Savior. This is an once in a life time decision–repenting for our sins, asking God’s forgiveness, and accepting Jesus as our Savior.
BUT choosing to make Him LORD of our lives is a decision we make each day of our lives. As we walk in newness of life, others can see the evidence of Him living within us. GOD the FATHER GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT God, our three in One made us in our Mother’s wombs, Jeremiah 1:5 says,” I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb”.
God created us so we could have a relationship with Him. We could talk, walk, and live in Him each and every day that He gives us.
Life is a GIFT from God. His LOVE for us caused Him to send His one and only Son to die on a Cross. AND that same LOVE was so great that He made a way we could live through and with Him daily.
I can only celebrate CHRISTMAS and EASTER because of His great LOVE. Without “Christmas” ( Jesus’s birth) there would have been NO “Easter”. (Jesus’ death on the Cross). Without the need of an “Easter” (our sins) , we would have had NO “Christmas”.
So CELEBRATE EASTER in honor of our God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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An old woman who love Jesus and loves to share about Him with younger women.
Peggy, this is so beautiful. I love it and I know
my brother/your husband loves it. I still miss him so and I know you do too. I miss you so much too and I love you bunches.