Good Morning Heavenly Father, You can do all things! Lord, thank you for the reminder that you have never lost a battle. This reminder restores my confidence in You removing the weight from my shoulders. Lord, forgive me for wavering in my disbelief. Help me to place confidence in Your Word. You are faithful to Your promises. The BEST place for me to be is in Your hand. Lord, as I walk in faith, help me not focus on past rejections or failures. Lord, You have plans for me and I pray Your will be done. Help me wear my battle gear as I face doubt, insecurity, and fear. Remind me of Your Word that equips me to slay these dragons within my mind. I need You, Lord, to be my everything! Keep me humble and in Your will. You are good and righteous. I will trust in Your promises and I will trust in Your plan, your way, all day. In Jesus name-Amen.
“She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!” – Luke 1:45 (HCSB)
Elizabeth, the cousin to Mary, the mother of Jesus, spoke these words over Mary upon Mary’s arrival. Elizabeth was six months pregnant with her first child. Mary was only a couple days into her pregnancy when she greed Elizabeth. However, even though Mary wasn’t showing, Elizabeth took Mary’s word about becoming the Son of God’s mother. It was easy for Elizabeth to believe Mary because she experienced God’s power through the fulfillment of her own miracle.
May I be so bold and speak the same truth over you? As you engage in your personal “Dates” with God, clarity will come as He speaks His plans over your life. Trust, His Word will be fulfilled. There was no way for Mary to become pregnant as a virgin. The likely hood of her becoming a mother let alone the mother of God’s Son would take a miracle. God doesn’t limit His plans due to worldly methods. Without any affirmation from the world, God has the power to fulfill His promises. So sweet friend, listen to God and not man. He has something special planned for you and me. The only way for us to be blessed is to believe and work out the steps in His plan.
So let’s remind ourselves what we believe and who our belief is based on by playing this music video: This I Believe (The Creed) by Hillsong
Elizabeth recognized Mary believed God’s promise to her would be fulfilled. To hear about the 3 steps we can implement as we believe in God’s plan for our lives click the link to hear the message on Hooks2Crook Youtube.
Very special….this word of encouragement is very precious. Thank you, Candice for sharing. A lesson we can all learn from and grow in our love and relationship with God. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…..
Wonderful message! I don’t want to waste my waiting. I’m trusting God for His plan for me!