Christmas Before and After

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14 (ESV)

I have two very different kinds of Christmas memories from my childhood. I have the ones of before and the ones after.

The ones before include memories of big huge Christmas trees all aglow, joyful parties at my friend’s house, Christmas parades with my family and laughter around our table. I remember feeling carefree, warm and happy.

The ones after were sad. They were the ones after my grandfather passed away on Christmas Eve. As each Christmas after came, it brought back sad memories at the exact same time my mom was expected to make happy new ones. Christmas after felt strained. It was like my family was held in limbo not knowing what we were supposed to feel. We felt torn between whether we should feel happy or sad.

I wonder if that is how God’s people felt that first Christmas. If they truly knew how they were supposed to feel after 400 years of silence since God had spoken to his people. I imagine the air must have felt different that special night as the silence was forever shattered when the angels spoke the words, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14 (ESV)

I know for many this year Christmas will feel different. I imagine many will be in limbo not knowing whether to be sad or happy. After a year of coronavirus, civil unrest and many facing unemployment, no doubt many will feel more like not celebrating this year. For some it will mean fewer gifts under the tree and many holiday traditions will be canceled. Then there will be the families like ours who will know what it feels like to struggle through the holidays without a loved one.

I am glad that very first Christmas didn’t come with an expiration date nor did it have a stipulation. It just simply settled down in the most unlikely of places. It shined its glorious light that night and pierced through the darkness. And regardless of what has changed this year the true meaning of Christmas hasn’t. The beautiful star of Bethlehem still points the way from the manger to the cross and forever will.

That first Christmas wasn’t about the gifts under the tree but instead about the gift that would soon hang on a tree. It forever laid the groundwork for the greatest gift of all. The hope of salvation. That night would forever be remembered as the one after too. It was the night the darkness of 400 years of silence was broken into a million pieces and turned forever into one incredible shining light. A light that still shines into the loneliest of hearts and brings comfort to those grieving in spirit.

As we reflect on the memories of this year before Christmas, let us make plans to make some special new ones to mark the after Christmas this year. Let it be a turning in our hearts for better days ahead and a brand new year of hope.

Susan Davidson

Susan Davidson is a wife, mother and grandmother. She resides in a small country town surrounded by the mountains in southwest Virginia. She is a devotional writer for her church and Bible Study leader. She is also a newbie blogger with the motto “we are never too old for God to teach us something new”. Her passion is encouraging others in their walk with God and sharing what she gleans from God’s word. After recently retiring from serving as an Activity Director at a rehabilitation center, she spends her time enjoying the view from her deck, walking her fur baby Mindy, and spending time with her family.

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