The Patient Farmer

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Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming.  See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. – James 5:7

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Have you ever placed a seed inside a wet napkin or maybe a cup of soil, then put it on your window seal, anticipating it to sprout?  When my kids were young, we attempted this science experiment.  The goal was to observed a seeds transformation.  For this project, time and patience were a must; however, a child with patience is very unusual.

Every day my children would check the cup or the moist towel for any sign of change.  Learning to be patient became tortious for my children.  Day after day with no signs of new life, their enthusiasm diminished with their interest to watch the transformation occur.  They envisioned an instantaneous change overnight like Jack and the Beanstalk.  However, their expectations were sadly unmet, opening the door to doubt and finding something new to grab their attention. 

Right now, I empathize with my children as they waited for their seeds to show life.  I, like much of the world, sit and wait with anticipation for life to resume after COVID 19.  And for many of us, our patience is wearing thin.  

There is only One who orchestrates life, and He seldom works on our timetable, but He is never late.

The farmer knew God would be God, securing the farmer’s faith in God.  For the crops to grow, the farmer recognized his limitation and relied on the Lord to provide the autumn and spring rains.  It was in the nourishment God provided that transformed the seeds into crops. 

The hope of a farmer isn’t rooted in the transformation of the seeds but in the never-changing character of God… to give and sustain life.

We can learn from the farmer.  Yes, even though a cure would be ideal, that’s not where our hope should be based on.  Our faith and hope should be rooted in the character of God.  If you are unsure what Scripture says about God’s character, may I suggest finding 15 minutes a day to set aside for just Him?    

Here is a link for a great new resource to help you schedule A 15 minute “Date” with God daily. 

Who or where is your hope found?  Is it in getting back to normal,  or is it based on the character of God?  There is only one answer that will never let you down.


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