God, thank you for being THE ONE my heart longs for! Lord, I believe You are able to do all things but help the pieces of my heart that house unbelief! Remind me of Your promises and your never-ending love. Thank you, Lord, that your faithfulness is not dependent upon my trust in you. Even when I don’t see you working and my doubt creeps in, Lord, you never stop working all things out for Your glory. Father, help me act with courage and follow Your lead. I praise you, Father! You are good. Thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me. May Your Sovereignty strengthen my faith to stand firm in Your Promises. Remove my fear, oh Lord, and have your way in me. I am forever yours, in the name of Jesus… Amen.
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“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.”
– John 14:1 NIV
Jesus was asking his disciples to trust Him. He knew the path they were about to embark on would test their faith. Jesus spoke these words to encourage them to endure the next steps. Death was drawing near. Even though their minds couldn’t wrap around fully what was in-store, Jesus was ensuring them He would return. Trails were about to begin, and the testing of their faith was inevitable.
We, too, will be tested. But it is through the testing of our faith we will see God prevail. Our vision may not match God’s, but if we continue to press into God and endure, He will be victorious. Because it’s when we endure strength rises and faith solidifies. Today will you trust God and take the next step on the path He’s marked for you? Don’t allow fear to determine your next move. Keep your eyes on Him. Hold tight to the promise: He will never leave you nor forsake you for Trinity is with you.
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